Posts Tagged ‘bytearray’

  • How do you extract a Sprite back out of a ByteArray?

    I should probably post this into some AS forums (and will do so later), but I had to get this out there quickly and it’s bugging the hell out of me:

    In short, how do you extract a Sprite from a ByteArray? (or any kind of display object for that matter).

    I can write the object just fine, and read it back into a variable, but I’ll be blown if I can then convert that back into what it was originally.

    Here are my attempts so far:

    var test:Sprite = new Sprite();;,0,64,64);;

    //addChild(test); // to test, works fine

    var b:ByteArray = new ByteArray();

    trace(b.length);    //    0 bytes


    trace(b.length);    //    754 bytes, so our Sprite is definitely in there

    //    Reset the pointer
    b.position = 0;

    trace(b.position);    //    0 as I’d expect

    var newTest:Sprite;
    //newTest = b.readObject() as Sprite;    //    Ends up being null
    //newTest = Sprite(b.readObject());    // Type Coercion failed error
    //addChild(newTest);    //    and kaboom, constant “Parameter child must be non-null.” errors 🙁

    var take2:Object = b.readObject();
    trace(take2);    // ok take2 contains an object, but how can I get the Sprite out of it?

    trace(b.position);    //    754, so it has definitely read it all

    Ummm someone, please help? 🙂